“Beautiful programming here from Cohler and Vitkauskaite… it is lovely to hear how they make such sublime chamber music together… Cohler’s virtuosity [in Zarabandeo] is spectacular… Ginastera’s Danzas Argentinas (1937) in a terrific, high-voltage performance by Vitkauskaite; and how well the piano is caught in this recording. The rhythmic spirit of the dance, the virtuosity, the sweet lyricism: all are here in abundance, the central ‘Danza de la moza donosa’ an oasis of gently rocking songful peace, the final ‘Danza del gaucho matrero’ a veritable explosion of fierce energy, Vitkauskaite’s finely honed technique absolutely at the service of this glowing music. Superb booklet notes fill out an outstanding release… A brilliant disc, life-enhancing and full of joie de vivre, all cased in a fine recording. Five Stars”
—Colin Clarke, Fanfare