I have two recordings of a performance, one is the concert and one the dress rehearsal. I would like to patch small things, just correct a few notes here and there into the concert version. Since it was filmed and will be used fro video, I am trying to not make sure not to change the length of the track.
Is there an easy way to ensure this? Sorry if it is answered somewhere in the How-To's and I overlooked it.
Many thanks
Re: How to edit without changing lenght?
Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2024 2:56 pm
by lorenzo.gavanna
Hi! I missed your message in the forum! In CC you can edit with rate-change/sample accurate edit.
ratechange.png (47.46 KiB) Viewed 32420 times
This is a game-changer function for audio editing for video!
You can find here the video explaining everything! https://youtu.be/9Px7yFHFDXg
use that and you will be perfectly aligned!!
Let me know if you need some more info!
Re: How to edit without changing lenght?
Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2024 8:04 pm
by cohler
Hi Rafael!
Sorry for the slow response on this, we were fighting a cyber attack last week and in the process of updating our protections, we missed a few email notifications!
Lorenzo's advice in the previous post is perfect. We have many producers using CC for video editing these days!
In addition to the rate change S-D function that Lorenzo mentioned -- which is the most useful function for that purpose -- there is also the following: